Thursday, January 24, 2019

Why the Need to Justify the Existence of the Sub-Discipline of Public Finance?

Public finance is the sub-discipline of economics that deals with taxes, fiscal policy and government enterprise in general. In order to assess the case in behalf of taxation commonly made in this field, I shall analyze the public finance textbooks of Atkinson and Stiglitz (1980), Due (1963), Musgrave (1959) and Shoup (1969). I have chosen textbooks because they are a distillation of knowledge, methodology and perspective of an entire profession; they are the amalgamation of what is considered correct and important. I have chosen these four because they are a representative sample, and highly respected amongst the practitioners of economic orthodoxy in this domain.

The category of economic study we shall consider is sometimes called government finance, sometimes public economics, and sometimes government economics. But whatever the name, this field is very different from all other sub-disciplines of economics in one important respect. In every other case, whether it is micro or macro, trade or labor, business cycles or money, resources or growth, development or industrial organization, managerial or accounting, the practitioner plunges right into the subject matter.

In public finance, in contrast, and only in public finance, there is first an attempt to justify the very existence of the topic. In every textbook on this theme I have examined, plus the four to be scrutinized here in detail, there is always an introductory chapter, and in some cases two or three, where the author feels compelled to defend against the charge that the whole enterprise rests upon a foundation of sand.

How can we account for this felt need to vindicate the very subject matter, though this can only be speculative, one possibility is that public finance is the only economic field studying activities to which the use of force is intrinsic.

--Thomas J. DiLorenzo and Walter E. Block, An Austro-Libertarian Critique of Public Choice, Economy and Society (New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2016), Kindle e-book.

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