Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Global Temperatures Have Flatlined or Fallen Since about 2001, Throwing a Monkey Wrench into Global Warming Theory that Doesn’t Allow for Cooling, so Global Warming Became Climate Change

Science is under attack like never before, especially by global warming alarmists. The alarmists would have us believe that doomsday is near, that a catastrophe awaits the Earth unless we stop pumping carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. It’s CO2 that is causing the climate to change, insist the believers. If we don’t do something about this pesky gas right now, our planet and our way of life will be destroyed.

This is utter nonsense. Global warming may be real, but there’s hardly a shred of good scientific evidence that it has very much to do with the amount of CO2 we’re producing, or even that temperatures have risen as much as warmists say.

Today’s climate change hysteria began 25 years ago with United Nations discussions that created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). To climate change alarmists, the climate bible is a series of assessment reports issued by the IPCC about every six years. Based on the collective opinion of several hundred climate scientists, these reports are the source of the widely held belief, promulgated by Al Gore and other alarmists, that higher temperatures are the result of human activity.

Unfortunately, nature has not been cooperating. Global temperatures have flatlined or fallen since about 2001, throwing a monkey wrench into global warming theory that doesn’t allow for cooling because the CO2 level is constantly going upwards.

Not to be put out, the global warming faithful simply changed their tune. Global warming became climate change, despite the fact that the Earth’s climate had already been changing for thousands of years, long before industrialization boosted CO2. And the telltale sign that CO2 causes climate change became weather extremes instead of rising temperatures. Widespread wildfires in Russia, severe flooding in Pakistan, deadly tornadoes in the U.S., even harsh winters and record snowfalls – all of these are the result of man-made CO2, according to the alarmists.

How convenient. Just ignore the current cooling trend and blame every unusual weather event on CO2 and global warming. That may help drive political action on climate change, but it’s not science. True science is based on rigorous logic and evidence, not blind faith in quasi-religious dogma.

--Ralph B. Alexander, Global Warming False Alarm: The Bad Science Behind the United Nations' Assertion that Man-Made CO2 Causes Global Warming, 2nd ed. (Royal Oak, MI: Canterbury Publishing, 2012), Kindle e-book.

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