Monday, May 13, 2019

I Watched My Chosen Discipline—Climatology—Get Hijacked and Exploited in Service of a Political Agenda; It Undermines the Environmental Movement by setting up a Classic ‘Cry Wolf’ Scenario

I’ve studied climate both scientifically and academically for over forty years after spending eight years studying meteorology and observing the weather as an aircrew and operations officer in the Canadian Air Force. When I began the academic portion of my career, global cooling was the concern, but it was not a major social theme. During the 1980s the concern switched to global warming which became a major political, social and economic issue.

I watched my chosen discipline—climatology—get hijacked and exploited in service of a political agenda, watched people who knew little or nothing enter the fray and watched scientists become involved for political or funding reasons—willing to corrupt the science, or, at least, ignore what was really going on. The tale is more than a sad story because it set climatology back thirty years and damaged the credibility of science in general.

It also undermined the environmental movement by incorrectly claiming massive environmental damage and setting up a classic ‘cry wolf’ scenario. It is the greatest deception in history and the extent of the damage has yet to be exposed and measured.

There have been, of course, other sad deceptions throughout history, but all of them were regional, or, at most, continental. The deceptive idea that human-generated COcauses global warming or climate change impacted every person in the entire world, thus it reflects Marshall McLuhan’s concept of the global village. This book shows how the deception was designed to be global by involving every nation through the agencies of the United Nations. Historians with the benefit of 20:20 hindsight will wonder how such a small group was able to achieve such a massive deception.

--Tim Ball, preface to The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science (Mount Vernon, WA: Stairway Press, 2014), e-book.

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